With BritizenCon less than two weeks away, and the Republic's birthday the day after, we will be celebrating by revealing our shiny new logo and releasing a bunch of new merchandise! Tune in on YouTube to see the reveal LIVE and catch us throughout the day on the Facebook page where we will be popping up livestreams every now and then to keep you all up to date! We will also be sharing on our lovely new Instagram and on Twitter, so join in the fun and festivities by Tweeting, sharing, liking and posting to our Social Media channels to show your support!
The BritizenCon table will be looked after by Aelyrya, Kae, Zokjin, Pascal and Tzeme. If you're at the event, remember to come and say "Hi!"
Updated links will be released nearer the time, but for now, why not check out our Social Media and start getting some hype out there?!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/republicoflorell/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RepublicofLorel
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6ayFNJsHEJxxCo9mpKx-2A
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/republicoflorell/